The Jalen Hurts Foundation

Founded by NFL All-Pro Quarterback Jalen Hurts

About Us

Developing & Promoting local opportunities for youth advancement and self empowerment

The Foundation is birthed from years of service and overwhelming gratitude to the communities that have generously become a home away from home. The Jalen Hurts Foundation aims to target positive character development through mentorship and service. We will introduce resources and support programs to elevate positive role models. We have the opportunity to encourage and nurture our youth to pursue their passions and we take pride in that privilege!

Jalen's Reasons Why

Our mission is to strengthen communities by servicing and advancing the youth. We believe that with sustained support and a belief in one’s self anyone can positively execute their purpose.

Jalen believes youth across the country possess undiscovered abilities and strengths that have not been utilized. He personally has benefited from the light of encouragement and wants to provide that to others. He intends to impact in ways that inspire, educate, and advance the youth. Jalen’s values have been developed from the influence of various communities, readings, and ultimately life lessons. He takes extreme pride and joy in being able to step outside of himself and support uplifting avenues for our youth’s future.

Service. Mentor. Progress.

Discover our foundation's newest initiatives and programs aimed at empowering communities by servicing and advancing the youth. We're committed to making a meaningful impact in the world.

Philly School AC Program

To help improve learning environments in Philadelphia schools, Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts has committed $200,000 to the School District of Philadelphia. This generous donation will fund the purchase and installation of more than 300 air conditioning units in 10 schools across the District, aiming to provide comfort to classrooms and avoid disruptions to school days during the warmer months as summers become increasingly hotter.

“I believe every child deserves a comfortable space to learn and grow,” said Jalen Hurts, who expressed his enthusiasm for the project. “Philadelphia has given me so much, and I'm thrilled to give back to the community in a way that supports our future leaders. Ensuring our schools are equipped with essential resources like air conditioning is one step toward helping our students achieve their very best.”

“With Jalen’s donation, we are directly impacting the urgent need for climate-controlled and environmentally suitable educational facilities that enable improved academic achievement in schools that have struggled through the warmer months,” said Oz Hill, the Chief Operating Officer of the School District of Philadelphia. “This initiative not only improves current student attendance and learning, but it also paves the way for future upgrades throughout the District.”

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